Significant circular economy potential in the raw materials and processes of our factory

One of the main raw materials in our products is a circular economy product, and for the other, we are developing sources of circular economy raw materials and promoting their research. Our goal is to use by-products containing magnesium from the Finnish mining industry as raw material in the magnesium hydroxide we manufacture. This can be used for treating acidic sulfur-rich waters (in the metal industry, wastewater treatment plants, mine waters, and power plant flue gas scrubbers), producing magnesium sulfate as a by-product, which can be further processed for various uses. The first successful pilot trials have already been completed.
We are involved in researching the use of magnesium hydroxide for pH control in wastewater treatment plants. This would enable the use of magnesium-rich sludge as a magnesium raw material. In European countries such as the Netherlands, methods are being researched and developed for producing magnesium hydroxide from wastewater treatment plant sludge. In Central Europe, magnesium is also used in wastewater treatment plants for the production of struvite fertilizer. We are involved in a project at the Huittinen Treatment Plant where struvite is being crystallized on a pilot scale. The heat recovery for our energy-intensive crystallization process is currently under development.
Responsibility under the guidance of Berner
Under the guidance of its parent company, Berner, Berner Chemicals implements various sustainability actions: requests for signing ethical codes of conduct, mapping and auditing of high-risk suppliers, and EcoVadis evaluations, which are starting soon. Berner Chemicals has a policy for handling harassment situations and a reporting channel for anonymously raising issues. There are also guidelines for gifts and hospitality, and ethical codes of conduct are listed under the 11-principle program. Employees complete a course on ethical conduct every two years. The carbon footprint of the organization has been calculated, and product-specific calculations for Berner Chemicals are planned for the near future.